If you're feeling hungry, this will make you hungrier!  Check out this scrumptious feast that Abby made.

And another pic....

Amazing artwork by Olivia Jennings 


This is the bridge me and my family built for the Epro8 challenge to make a bridge as long as you can only using paper and sellotape and could take the weight of a can of baked beans. Our bridge was  2.98 metres long.

Sally made these really lovely muffins 

Abby showing her expertise on her horse.

Look at this deliciousness that Lauree made.

Check out this cool sculpture from Noah.

Addy made some hokey pokey biscuits.  Don't they look yummy? 

Sophie's four-season artwork

Elijah and his origami creation. 

This is Ciara's computerized stop-motion 

Yummy Afghan biscuits made by Ava 

Addy made this cool stop motion 

Charlotte made cookies,  yum yum  Chocolate Chip.

Max created his own Covid safe station.  How cool is this 

Grace Mason drew this cool cat 

Riley with his dog Luna 

Ryan has been working hard.  Keep up the good work Ryan.
Have you learnt to drive the tractor yet?

Duncan celebrated a birthday on Saturday. Happy Birthday on Saturday 
I am sure you had a wonderful birthday. 

Ava celebrated her birthday on Wednesday.
Happy Birthday was sung by the class on zoom. 
We know your family made it really special. 

Grace and her dog. What a lovely pictture 

Ethan O'Leary and his cat. 

 What a great activity with your cat.  I hope he liked it?

Chloe and her animals. 

Logan and his dog 

Scarlett and all her animals.  You look so happy with your dog, cat, and bird.  You lucky girl having so many pets 

Grace Mason has made some cupcakes for her University work.  Don't they look delicious?

Rise of the Machine By Elijah Dann

The nobs began to turn at once, a beam of light struck out of the eye Machine, it beganto hover, mist flowed all around me, and then at the Silence of the starting,

it started to beep. Beep. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.

and then all the mist swished around and around and turned into a tornado,

faster and faster it went and then it exploded. BOOM! 

The Experiment Failed.

Ashdon and his brothers playing in the backyard.


What yummy cookies made by Luke.  Well done.  

Artwork by Addy.

Look at the wonderful detail.

Ciara and her Get Active project-  Bowling 

Inogen - what a great photo- right.  Imogen is very creative.

Hey look I finally got a picture with Santa in August!

I love his new color, it looks good on him. He’s lost a bit of weight, hasn't he?

 What a great cupcake made by Elijah  

Great work 


Georgia and her lovely dog.  What a cool photo of both of you.

Ciara and her dog.  

Very creative, can you see what is Ciara's mouth? 

Screenshot 2021-08-25 11.13.44.png

Felix and his cat Sneak. 

Charlotte and her dog are reading.  What a clever dog.   Look at the lovely day outside reading.  
Well done with this photo Charlotte ( oh and her mum) 

Ava and her lovely dog
Nice smile Ava


  1. I'm envious!!!! :)

  2. Hi Pikorua,

    Keep sharing your wonderful learning to your homeroom teacher and we will upload this work for you. Remember to use your values and make a positive comment about the work that is shared.

  3. ciara your bowling is so good you are a world champ.

  4. herbie looks sooooooooooooooooo cute!!!!!!! :)

  5. felix's cat is adorable!!!!

  6. Grace your cupcakes look so good!

  7. So proud of all the wonderful pictures you have sent me. You guys are so awesome. Keep the photos coming.
